Clubs and Activities
Media Clubs
The Pontivírgula newspaper is a media outlet created and managed by the students of the Faculty of Human Sciences. As a university newspaper, it excels in disseminating topical and cultural news, encouraging students to explore their talents and interests, acquire skills and prepare for their professional life.
Contacts and Social Networks
QuaseFM Radio is a radio station created and managed by the Faculty of Human Sciences students. Students create daily radio broadcasts during the Radio Project module, with partial transmission to the University campus. This helps bring together different communities that can listen to the station or follow it on social networks.
Social Networks
Newspaper run by students/alumni of the Institute for Political Studies (IEP).
Newspaper of the Law Students of the Porto Regional Centre of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Contacts and Social Networks
Diurna. is a project developed by a group of students of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, which debuted in November 2020, at the Porto campus. In March 2023 Diurna. became a national newspaper, with representatives on each campus of the University, in Lisbon, in Porto, in Braga and in Viseu.
Read the latest edition here (available in Portuguese only). To participate in the next editions, contact
Contacts ans Social Networks
The Comunica-te newspaper is entirely idealised, planned and executed by the students of the second year of the Print Journalism Atelier of the Undergraduate Degree in Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. It is printed quarterly and inserted in the local Portuguese newspaper Diário do Minho. It is a laboratory experience, which simulates the environment of a newsroom, from the hierarchical chain to the fieldwork and design, allowing students to experience an accurate perception of journalistic work.
Cenáculo is the student magazine of the Faculty of Theology in Braga, founded in 1946. With a legacy of 75 years, it covers varied topics such as literature, theology, philosophy and religious art, promoting critical thinking and academic involvement among the generations of students and teachers at the institution.
Contacts and Social Networks
Music Clubs
The CATÓLICA-LISBON Big Band is a non-traditional jazz band, which welcomes students, faculty, staff and former students, regardless of their degree of experience or the instrument they play.
For enrolments in the musical project, contact: Marta Góis
The Choir of the Headquarters of Católica is composed of around 35 current and former students, staff and professors of the University, of nine different nationalities, aged between 18 and 60.
The repertoire of the group covers different styles of music, from classical to traditional and light music, including jazz, blues and habaneras.
The whole academic community, as well as external elements from UCP, can participate in the activities of the choir, after auditions.
Learn about the History of the Choir | Discover the Choir's Page
Musical group formed by female students of the Braga Regional Centre.
Contacts and Social Networks
Theatre and Film Clubs
Film Club organised by the Academic Association of the Institute of Political Studies.
A club from the School of Arts that organises free cinema sessions, supporting students interested in learning about and searching for cinematographic references.
On the other hand, it also seeks to promote emerging names from the national cinematographic panorama.
CineMar - The Lisbon Consortium Film Club is a cinema club dedicated to creating a community around the art of watching films and sharing conversations.
Social Networks
Debate and Social Causes Clubs
UCP's Lisbon branch of HeForShe, a solidarity movement for gender equality, founded by the UN.
Contacts and Social Networks
Debating Society the Universidade Católica in Lisbon in partnership with AAD-UCP (Law Academic Association).
Social Networks
The Católica Porto Debating Society is an association composed of university students from different courses on the Porto campus that aims to create spaces - from students to students - for the free sharing of ideas, positions and arguments on a wide variety of topics. Such sharing will always be moderated and imbued with a spirit of tolerance, following the rules of the British Parliamentary debate model.
Contacts and Social Networks
The Psychology Student Center – NEP-UCP, aims to unite and support Psychology course students, in order to promote a close relationship between 1st and 2nd cycle students, promoting initiatives at the pedagogical, scientific, professional and culture in the field of Psychology.
The Social Work Department aims to promote interaction between students from various courses and organise events that publicise the various activities of the social work profession. They are also responsible for creating the "Ao Serviço (Social)" podcast.
Social Networks
International Clubs
Books Club
The Lisbon Consortium Book Club organises monthly meetings and also has a discussion group on the Goodreads platform, where members can share and discuss books and literary choices.
Suggestions for the reading list are always welcome!